Helen's Row of the Month
6 month morning OR afternoon class Friday, 2nd & 30th August, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November and 13th December. There is a price reduction of £29 for booking 6 whole days.
Come once a Month and learn how to make a row or two! Each time you can either copy exactly or Helen will help you to make your own unique Design. You can either make a pieced block for the centre or use a printed Dutch Heritage floral design to start. This includes machine piecing and English paper piecing. Either come for the morning or afternoon, or both if you’d like extra help and lot’s of friendship.
Sewing machine in good working order with a manual and ¼” foot
Basic sewing kit
Cardboard for templates (cereal packets will do), pencils and pens
Fabric, pieces that go together plus 3metres of plain for background