Working in Series - Surface Design & Machine Quilting


1 Day Workshop

Fri, 7th June, 2024

10:00am - 4:00pm

With most activities, there’s usually a point where we ask ourselves the “What If?” question; “what if I did this instead of that?”. Doing something about it can be daunting but exploring the results of ‘What If’ questions is the most natural way to begin developing a series when it comes to making quilts. It can be a question of simply altering the design a little or of using a different colour scheme or introducing a different texture. Another way of starting a series is to choose a subject or theme that you wish to explore in depth... and usually, the ‘What If’ question happens when you take this route as well. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to begin a mini-series and develop an understanding and appreciation of working in a series. They will also be shown a variety of simple yet effective surface design techniques such as mono printing, Markal Paintstik, stamping, frottage, different transfer methods or painting straight on to the quilt. A discussion based on a computer presentation will be part of the learning experience.



Drawing equipment for simple sketching – paper, pencils, crayons, markers or whatever you are comfortable with. If you think a pencil is enough - it probably is, but if you like to see ideas carried out a bit more thoroughly before you start working, you might want some colour on your sketches

Masking tape, scissors, paper and fabric rotary cutting equipment, sewing equipment, pins etc, plus template material if you think you will work with designs that require templates

Sheet, board, flannel or fleece, in white or neutral colour, on which to pin work in progress - walls will also be available!

A selection of fabrics: At least 1m of 6 different fabrics that you would like to work with or that represent a challenge for you. Lots of scraps and smaller pieces.  It is almost impossible to say exactly how much, so bring as much as you can, there will be a scrap box in the workshop and also fabrics in the shop

Sewing machine in good working order with extension lead, free motion darning foot/quilting foot and instruction manual
